Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Job Security

DISCLAIMER: There is some language in here today (techincal, health insurance jargon) you may not understand. Don't let this deter you. There is a lesson to be learned. Look past all the legalese and see the true meaning and intent of this blog. God Bless You!!

Well, after an absence of Mika on the Mind, Finally today I was pushed over the edge..........again.

I am a Coordination of Benefits Specialist for a great, non-profit health insurer. I LOVE my job and I typically love my teammates. However, today I owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to those DUMMIES that can't seem to do anything right. You see, if it weren't for stupid people, I would have no job....or at least I would have nothing to DO while I'm "working". Possibly even my yearly raise would have been smaller or non-existent like 50% of those employed for the same compamy I am. (For this I am grateful)

So today, I come across these comments that are posted to explain that a member has Medicare due to being a kidney dialysis patient. As ALL COB reps know (or should because it's one of the first things we are trained on as a COB rep), when a member has Medicare due to ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease or kidney failure) and are on a group plan, that group plan is primary for..............wait...............You all don't need to know all this boring stuff. The point is..........this:

So this COB rep posted the comments completely WRONG. So I sent her my typical NICE e mail that asked her to correct them. What was her response...........??

"Well, I posted what the other rep said was right.
If you tell me what it should be, I will fix it."
Okay.....Hold your horses "COB REP"!!! I thought we were COB reps because we ALL had the special training and extensive experience to support the functions we are asked to do. I thought that when someone tells you something is WRONG with what you did, you would want to be a responsible adult and a "keep-worthy" employee. I thought that when an opportunity is presented to learn something, we all take that as a stepping stone and build upon that knowledge to ensure less mistakes in the future and lower instances of customer inquiries.
Well, apparently you lazy, self seeking, 'give-it-to-me-on-a-silver-platter' want to do nothing; this is not you. So what did I do.......?? I responded with something very near this:
"Well, I understand that you would like me to give you the information. However,
you posted that you called Medicare and verified the information. What you put
on the narrative is not the same as the comments you posted. Can you please
corect the comments to match your narrative?"
To my amazement (which Im thinking now that I shouldn't have been THAT amazed), she responded with something like this:
"Well, I just looked at what the other rep posted.
I don't know what I should be posting.
If you just tell me what to post, I will post it.
This is just really frustrating."
So I kindly responded:
"Well okay, since I have already done all the homework here it is:
Post ESRD BSC Primary thru 6/30/2011
Post ESRD BSC Secondary effective 7/1/2011"
So what did she do.......?? She posted:
ESRD BSC Primary thru 6/30/2011 and
ESRD BSC Secondary effective 7/30/2011
And DELETED another comment that we are NEVER supposed to delete!!!
Now Wait just a doggone minute!! I just outlined exactly what you needed to post and did NOT say to delete anything. What on God's Green Earth is wrong with people? Are my communication skills lacking? Am I typing Greek? Am I dyslexic? What could possibly explain this gross misinterpretation of my instructions??
All I can say is this........you might want to take this advice if you have a coworker like this. Honestly..........this is solid, pass it on to your kids advice!!! Are you ready for it??.........................
Next time I go to work and we have a potluck....I want to know which dish SHE brought.......why.....??
Because. If she can't follow these simple, outlined, easy, to the point instructions layed out for her like Kindergarten coloring instructions....................

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