Wow. I guess I give in to peer pressure even at my advanced age. It seems that EVERYONE is blogging. So I figured, why not? I mean, I have some things to say. I have some things I think deserve to be heard. So today will start what will most likely be a determined effort to be consistent. I won't have a schedule of blogs, I will rather "blog at will." It seems there are things that set me off. There are things that unappologetically shove me into a tizzy. Things that determinately spiral me into a passionate scream for action. So, these are the things I will be blogging about.
It seems that the longer I live, the more I learn that it takes ALL kinds. What I mean by this is, no matter where you go, no matter what you say or do, there is ALWAYS that person you run into, that person you accidentally meet. That person that just hits a nerve....that someone that just "does it". Am I the only one? There is NO WAY I am the only one. So as an example, let me start my first blog with these people that I can't even name.
For years now, Val and I have been blessed with a gift, for some reason beyond our understanding, for finding cheap cars. They can be running or not, cute or not. I think it's better to say that these cars find us. It's like these cars WANT to belong to us, at least for a short time. For example, there was a college student (I will not name names) who had a cute little car. It died on her and it just seems to be more than she could handle. It was a terrible situation and we felt so badly for her. She had lost her transportation. She had several people try to fix the car for no avail. So after sitting in a parking lot for a loooooong time, we offered her a decent amount for it. Understandably, she decided that she wanted to keep it try to either get a higher offer for it, or keep it and get it fixed.
Several months later, the car still sat there, collecting dust, dirt and webs. We again offered her a decent price for it, and again were denied. Every time we passed it, we thought we wanted it. After a few more attempts to buy it from her with no positive results, we gave up. We let it sit there all alone. Lonely and longing to be fixed and driven. These cars have personalities. Honestly, they do and this little car WANTED us to own it. I could tell.
Finally, several more months longer with no results for this poor girl, her mom called us and we came to an agreement on a price that would knock your socks off!! Long story shortened, we had it fixed and put a LOT of time and money into it. I started driving to every day. It was a great little car. Here, take a look:

Adorable right?? So I took this as MY car and LOVED darting around in it. We had decided though that we wanted to SHARE this great little car with someone who really needed it. We found a girl that NEEDS it and we sold it to her. She was making payments to us and was about to pay us the very last installment on Friday afternoon. We were so excited for her. Well, there are people in Stockton who think they can take whatever they want. So SOMEONE came to my house Thursday night and STOLE this cute little car. They walked into MY driveway and just.........TOOK it.
I Still can't figure out WHY people think they have a right to do this kind of thing, but they do exist. So we called the police at 8 am Friday, I called the poor, sweet girls mom and told her the car had been stolen. She was heartbroken. Stockton's Finest told us there was a GREAT chance at recovering the vehicle within 24 hours and Stockton has a fantastic record for locating stolen vehicles.
Well, at 2 30 AM Saturday.........we got a phone call. They had found my sweet little car. Stockton's Finest had delivered on their statement. I was SO impressed!! So we asked them where it was located and the answer was less than desirable. It was located IN Mosher Slough. I told them that I love that little car and I wanted it home. They obliged me and brought it to my driveway. COVERED in mud and missing EVERYTHING. I mean they took everything, stripped it down to the metal all around. See.....?:

So, needless to say,
I have a bone to pick. Trouble is.........with W H O ? ! ? ! ? !
I mean, we have NO CLUE who did this or why. All we know is that there are some hoodlems out there that think they can take things that don't belong to them. Things that belong to PEOPLE OF GOD!!
Well, let this serve as notice......consider yourself and the whole of America warned.
We will no longer sit back and be victims. We refuse to sit back and watch as others take away things we have worked so hard for. Not just possessions. I mean "things".
Things can be anything and everything. "They" are taking our cars, our freedoms, our rights. "They" are even taking our desires and remaking them into what "they" want.
Well, I for one am D O N E being the victim and I am done kicking back and watching as my life is dictated by the unregenerated.
I am ready to take back the ground I have lost to the enemy. Be it dreams, ambitions, possessions.......whatever. I am gaining ground and invite you to come with me. Come on friends......get your armor on and let's take this back for JESUS!! This is a spiritual war we are fighting and the time is getting shorter. It's time to MOVE FORWARD....time to be on the OFFENSIVE. I'm tired of always being a defender....I AM taking control of what I want....and what I want is God's will in my life.
This road will be adventurous, fun, scary, anticipitatory and FUN. Come along, friends.